Ray Blakney

The Online Education Guy

Calculators, Tools & Potions

Random Tools, Quizzes, Calculators & Potions

Like most entrepreneurs with ADHD, I sometimes get distracted and do random things. So this is my workshop where I include a list of all of them.

Some are tools I built to use myself, some are quizzes I use for coaching clients, and some are just random things I accumulated over the years. If you’re looking for a rhyme or reason to the things here… you’ll be disappointed.

The plus side is, you may actually find some of them useful. If you do, all I ask is that you share it with others. They’re 100% free.

How Much Toilet Paper Calculator

This was actually a page I bought and monetized with ads. Why is it part of this site you ask? SEO. That’s pretty much it. It has a lot of backlinks which helps this page.